The Curse — TV Episode Recaps & News

The Curse

Photo: Richard Foreman Jr./Richard Foreman Jr./A24/Paramount+ with SHOWTIME

From the start, The Curse appears to be the ideal vehicle for its creators’ storytelling obsessions. Nathan Fielder and Benny Safdie’s Showtime drama stars Fielder and Emma Stone as Asher and Whitney Siegel, a couple desperate to sell their liberal-fantasy eco-conscious home-flipping scheme as a new series on HGTV, with Safdie playing their shameless producer. Whitney and Asher know they look like white saviors who want to reshape the New Mexico city of Española in the image they (mostly Whitney) think is best. Whitney tells herself and everyone she meets that she’s not like that. — Kathryn VanArendonk, “The Curse Damns Itself

  1. Episode 10 Green Queen
    The Curse Finale Recap: The Gravitron Asher is holding on for dear life. Not that it, or anything, matters.
  2. Episode 9 Young Hearts
    The Curse Recap: It’s a Small World Maybe HGTV’s notes on the show will save Asher and Whitney’s marriage. Not that it should be saved.
  3. Episode 8 Down and Dirty
    The Curse Recap: The Scrambler Relationships are deteriorating across the series, but none more so than Whitney and Asher’s marriage.
  4. Episode 7 Self-Exclusion
    The Curse Recap: Drop of Doom I’m understanding this show less and less.
  5. Episode 6 The Fire Burns On
    The Curse Recap: Tilt-A-Whirl Dougie and Whitney are now colluding to make Asher the “village idiot” of the show.
  6. Episode 5 It’s a Good Day
    The Curse Recap: Fun House Whitney reveals herself to be a spoiled brat and a megalomaniac.
  7. Episode 4 Under the Big Tree
    The Curse Recap: Zoltar Speaks Asher, Whitney, and Dougie might be cursed, but they’re certainly self-destructing.
  8. Episode 3 Questa Lane
    The Curse Recap: Spinning Teacups Now that Asher and Whit know how unlikable they are, thanks to the focus group, they’re on a mission to develop some charisma. It doesn’t go well!
  9. Episode 2 Pressure’s Looking Good So Far
    The Curse Recap: Pendulum Ride Whitney is one of TV’s most uncomfortable characters — so uniquely lacking in charm and confidence, talent and guile.
  10. Episode 1 Land of Enchantment
    The Curse Series-Premiere Recap: Hall of Mirrors Nathan Fielder and Emma Stone play a bizarro version of HGTV hosts with white-savior complexes to excruciating perfection.

The Latest on The Curse

  1. locals only
    Watching The Curse When You’re From EspañolaDoes the Nathan Fielder–Benny Safdie Showtime series exploit the people of Española, New Mexico, or reveal their harsh truths? Locals are divided.
  2. a long talk
    Reservation Dogs’ Gary Farmer Has Seen it All“As I look back on everything, it seems to me that having a career at all is pretty special in itself.”
  3. fan theories
    Need a Theory to Explain The Curse Finale? Try Poor Things.Auto-reincarnation, so hot right now.
  4. vulture asks
    Vulture Asks: What Is the Ending of The Curse About?We tried not to get carried away.
  5. h(ell)gtv
    Flip Out Over the Full Fliplanthropy PilotThe Curse’s cinematic universe just got a little bigger.
  6. promo
    Nathan Fielder Wants Anything But The Curse of Bad MarketingThe plan? Attract more viewers to his show by trolling Anyone But You.
  7. hips don’t lie
    Unearthing Nathan Fielder’s Early Comedy Output for YouIn YouTube sketches and Canadian TV appearances, he was always destined for his very weird brand of greatness.
  8. tv review
    The Curse Damns ItselfNathan Fielder and Benny Safdie’s Showtime series will plunge you into doom-filled unease. Then it gets stuck there.
  9. a24 tv
    Nathan Fielder Can Put Out Fires With His SmileIn The Curse alongside Emma Stone.
  10. nyff 2023
    All Your Burning Questions About The Curse, AnsweredWhat the hell is this show? Who’s cursed? And what is going on with Benny Safdie’s wig?
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