The Leftovers - TV Episode Recaps & News

The Leftovers

  1. Episode 10 The Prodigal Son Returns
  2. Episode 9 The Garveys at Their Best
  3. Episode 8 Cairo
    The Leftovers Recap: Our Man in Cairo Antes, significantly upped.
  4. Episode 7 Solace for Tired Feet
    The Leftovers Recap: More Perfect Strangers Kevin Garvey confronts his dad, who hands him … a May 1972 issue of National Geographic.
  5. Episode 6 Guest
    The Leftovers Recap: Just Shoot Me This week, The Leftovers gave us another single-perspective episode, focusing on Nora Durst.
  6. Episode 5 Gladys
  7. Episode 4 B.J. and the A.C.
    The Leftovers Recap: You Are Hereby Summoned An episode filled with creepy dolls big and small.
  8. Episode 3 Two Boats and a Helicopter
  9. Episode 2 Penguin One, Us Zero
  10. Episode 1 Pilot
    The Leftovers Series Premiere Recap: A Hole Ripped Out of the World Finally, a disaster story about people dealing with the aftermath.
  1. Episode 10 I Live Here Now
    The Leftovers Recap: The Bridge Justin Theroux is fantastic here.
  2. Episode 9 Ten Thirteen
    The Leftovers Recap: The Meg Problem From my favorite episode to my least favorite, in just seven days. That was quick.
  3. Episode 8 International Assassin
    The Leftovers Recap: Do Not Disturb You could write a master’s thesis on the amount of metaphor in this episode, then go back to get a PhD in what it all actually means.
  4. Episode 7 A Most Powerful Adversary
    The Leftovers Recap: Searching for Answers If I were a gambler, I’d say that Kevin is out but not down.
  5. Episode 6 Lens
    The Leftovers Recap: Whose Fault Is It This might be my favorite episode of this season so far.
  6. Episode 5 No Room at the Inn
    The Leftovers Recap: The Book of Matt Oh, hello, Mr. Chekhov. We have your gun right here.
  7. Episode 4 Orange Sticker
    The Leftovers Recap: Is There a Plan? This show really needs to walk a careful balance between explaining and explaining too much.
  8. Episode 3 Off Ramp
    The Leftovers Recap: Who Needs a Hug? This episode is a pit of despair.
  9. Episode 2 A Matter of Geography
    The Leftovers Recap: Nobody’s Okay Miracle has become far weirder than Mapleton ever was.
  10. Episode 1 Axis Mundi
    The Leftovers Recap: Meet the Murphys Miracle is a place where strangers leave homemade apple pies on your doorstep but you might not want to eat them. At least, not if you’re John Murphy.
  1. Episode 8 The Book of Nora
    The Leftovers Series-Finale Recap: There and Back Again “The Book of Nora” shows us the journey that really matters.
  2. Episode 7 The Most Powerful Man in the World (and His Identical Twin Brother)
    The Leftovers Recap: Are You a Bad Enough Dude to Kill the President? With the fate of the world at stake, Kevin Garvey faces off against himself.
  3. Episode 6 Certified
    The Leftovers Recap: Diver Down What an extraordinary show.
  4. Episode 5 It’s a Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt World
    The Leftovers Recap: In the Lion’s Den “It’s a Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt World” is The Leftovers at its boldest and best.
  5. Episode 4 G’Day Melbourne
    The Leftovers Recap: A Sudden Departure Kevin and Nora face their emotional apocalypse.
  6. Episode 3 Crazy Whitefella Thinking
    The Leftovers Recap: Divine Madness “Crazy Whitefella Thinking” is a wall-to-wall showcase for Scott Glenn.
  7. Episode 2 Don’t Be Ridiculous
    The Leftovers Recap: Perfect Strangers “Don’t Be Ridiculous” is like nothing else on television.
  8. Episode 1 The Book of Kevin
    The Leftovers Season-Premiere Recap: Stairway to Kevin Fun? In my episode of The Leftovers?

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