The Mandalorian — TV Episode Recaps & News

The Mandalorian

  1. Episode 8 Redemption
    The Mandalorian Season Finale Recap: Tragedy of the Manufacturer’s Protocol We learn more than we ever have before about The Mandalorian’s origin, but this episode really belongs to IG-11.
  2. Episode 7 Chapter 7: The Reckoning
    The Mandalorian Recap: Bait and Switch (and Switch) The season’s penultimate episode reveals The Mandalorian’s self-contained chapters haven’t been that self-contained after all.
  3. Episode 6 The Prisoner
    The Mandalorian Recap: Battle Droids and Double Crosses Anyone who’s felt like The Mandalorian hasn’t featured enough dirtbags so far should have no complaints after this episode.
  4. Episode 5 The Gunslinger
    The Mandalorian Recap: Bounty Flaw This week’s adventure brings Mandalorian and Child to a familiar planet called Tatooine and raises some concerns about Mando’s parenting skills.
  5. Episode 4 Chapter 4: Sanctuary
    The Mandalorian Recap: Two and a Half Samurai With bounty hunters still in pursuit, the Mandalorian and the Child dip into a “backwater skug hole” to make new friends and join in a local skirmish.
  6. Episode 3 Chapter 3: The Sin
    The Mandalorian Recap: This Is the Way Amid a tense stealth mission and a thrilling battle, we start to get a clearer picture of what sort of man the Mandalorian really is.
  7. Episode 2 Chapter 2: The Child
    The Mandalorian Recap: Baby Onboard A satisfying second chapter reveals some intriguing new details about the Mandalorian’s bounty amid a string of rousing action scenes.
  8. Episode 1 Chapter 1
    The Mandalorian Premiere Recap: A Bounty Hunter Walks Into a Bar … The first live-action Star Wars series begins digging into the seedy underbelly of a universe still figuring itself out after the Empire’s fall.
  1. Episode 8 The Rescue
    The Mandalorian Season Finale Recap: Mando and Child The big reunion that we’ve been waiting for sets the stage for an even bigger reunion that we never expected.
  2. Episode 7 The Believer
    The Mandalorian Recap: The Wages of Din Djarin The return of Migs Mayfeld (Bill Burr) forces Mando to examine and confront his moral code in more ways than one.
  3. Episode 6 Chapter 14: The Tragedy
    The Mandalorian Recap: A Bad Day To Be Mando Our hero acquires some unexpected, apparently not-dead allies in his mission, which nonetheless encounters some pretty serious setbacks.
  4. Episode 5 The Jedi
    The Mandalorian Recap: The Secret Origin of Baby Grogu A compact, samurai movie-inspired episode offers up a flood of new information about Mando’s Jedi companion, and even more Clone Wars connections.
  5. Episode 4 The Siege
    The Mandalorian Recap: Nevarro Ain’t What It Used to Be Greef Karga and Cara Dune have been cleaning up the town, now featuring a bustling marketplace and schoolroom. But it’s not all peace and quiet.
  6. Episode 3 The Heiress
    The Mandalorian Recap: Squid Chowder for One In which the Child witnesses the miracle of birth (well, hatching) and maybe gets over his urge to eat the Frog Lady’s eggs. Maybe.
  7. Episode 2 The Passenger
    The Mandalorian Recap: Frog-Fresh Eggs The Child may seem cute and vulnerable, but he can also be unpredictable and even dangerous (not to mention hungry).
  8. Episode 1 The Marshal
    The Mandalorian Season Premiere Recap: How to Kill Your Krayt Dragon Mando and Child travel back to Tatooine, where they check in with an old friend and meet a new “Mandalorian.”
  1. Episode 8 Chapter 24: The Return
    The Mandalorian Season-Finale Recap: Stronger Together It’s time to take out Moff Gideon once and for all.
  2. Episode 7 Chapter 23: The Spies
    The Mandalorian Recap: Mandalore Once More Grogu has a mech suit now.
  3. Episode 6 Chapter 22: Guns For Hire
    The Mandalorian Recap: Kicking the Battle Droid Din, Bo-Katan, and Grogu meet Lizzo, Jack Black, and Christopher Lloyd.
  4. Episode 5 Chapter 21: The Pirate
    The Mandalorian Recap: Pirates Booted It’s Mando versus pirates in some urban, Star Wars: Black Hawk Down–esque warfare.
  5. Episode 4 Chapter 20: The Foundling
    The Mandalorian Recap: Nesting The Mandalorians, or at least Din Djarin’s branch, take the task of adopting strays seriously.
  6. Episode 3 Chapter 19: The Convert
    The Mandalorian Recap: Taungsdays, Am I Right? Coruscant actually seems kinda nice for once.
  7. Episode 2 Chapter 18: The Mines of Mandalore
    The Mandalorian Recap: A Sort of Homecoming The team gets living proof that a Mandalore myth is more than just a “children’s story.”
  8. Episode 1 Chapter 17: The Apostate

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