The Sandman — TV Episode Recaps & News

The Sandman

Photo: Netflix

Long thought to be “unfilmable,” Neil Gaiman’s beloved and iconic comic series from the early ‘90s has finally gotten a live-action adaptation, courtesy of Netflix. The Sandman tells the tale of Morpheus, a.k.a. Dream, one of a group of immortal beings known as the Endless who escapes a 100-year captivity and sets about on a mission to reclaim his kingdom and his power. Along the way, he’ll encounter literal nightmares, travel to hell, and have a heart-to-heart with the nicest member of his family, Death.

The Sandman was developed for Netflix by Gaiman, David S. Goyer, and Allan Heinberg. It stars Tom Sturbridge, Boyd Holbrook, Jenna Coleman, David Thewlis, Gwendoline Christie, and Patton Oswalt.

  1. Episode 11 A Dream of a Thousand Cats / Calliope
    The Sandman Recap: Where Do You Get Your Ideas? The Sandman grapples with who matters, who doesn’t, and who gets to decides.
  2. Episode 10 Lost Hearts
    The Sandman Season-Finale Recap: Wanna Put My Tender Heart in a Blender Dream, one of the most tight-buttholed characters in fiction, has declenched.
  3. Episode 9 Collectors
    The Sandman Recap: Like a Comic-Book Convention? Rose alters reality while the Corinthian basks in adulation.
  4. Episode 8 Playing House
    The Sandman Recap: Lost Dreams Dream takes his job very seriously, to the point where he sometimes cannot see the people he’s doing it for.
  5. Episode 7 The Doll’s House
    The Sandman Recap: Beware of Dreams and Houses The Sandman finally becomes a Netflix show.
  6. Episode 6 The Sound of Her Wings
    The Sandman Recap: A Death in the Family It takes a visit with Death for Dream to learn how to live más.
  7. Episode 5 24/7
    The Sandman Recap: Darker and Edgier Dream finally learns that tools can be traps.
  8. Episode 4 A Hope in Hell
    The Sandman Recap: Go to Hell The Sandman goes to a hot place where Dream and Lucifer have a rap battle.
  9. Episode 3 Dream a Little Dream of Me
    The Sandman Recap: Meet Ms. Constantine Dream and Johanna Constantine are peas in a sexy, trenchcoat-clad pod.
  10. Episode 2 Imperfect Hosts
    The Sandman Recap: Fetch Quest Dream has to pick up the pace if he wants Netflix to get to any of the good stuff.
  11. Episode 1 Sleep of the Just
    The Sandman Series Premiere Recap: Enter Sandman Finally, after waiting decades for an adaptation, it’s Morphin’ time.

The Latest The Sandman News

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