The Umbrella Academy — TV Episode Recaps & News

The Umbrella Academy

  1. Episode 10 The White Violin
    The Umbrella Academy Season-Finale Recap: Apocalypse Now It’s the end of the world as we know it, and Vanya feels fine.
  2. Episode 9 Changes
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Last Night on Earth As the Vanya situation comes to a head, there are no good answers — and it’s about to get a lot worse.
  3. Episode 8 I Heard a Rumor
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: A Little Less Conversation With Vanya spiraling out of control, an inevitable family confrontation ends in tragedy.
  4. Episode 7 The Day That Was
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Live, Die, Repeat In a wheel-spinning episode, what should be the season’s emotional high point ends up being a variation on the same stuff we already know.
  5. Episode 6 The Day That Wasn’t
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: There and Back Again With the Doomsday Clock ticking, love is in the air — until it’s not.
  6. Episode 5 Number Five
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Time Enough at Last For all the superpowers we’ve seen members of the Umbrella Academy demonstrate, we’ve never seen anyone quite like the Handler.
  7. Episode 4 Man on the Moon
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Tick, Tock Klaus the cockroach lives another day — but at what cost?
  8. Episode 3 Extra Ordinary
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Just Desserts After a couple of plot-heavy introductory episodes, the series pumps the brakes to explore the consequences of a superpowered childhood.
  9. Episode 2 Run Boy Run
    The Umbrella Academy recap: A Wrinkle in Time The show stumbles in its premature eagerness to flesh out other corners of its universe, but at least makes compelling strides in its central mystery.
  10. Episode 1 We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals
    The Umbrella Academy Series Premiere Recap: Reunited (and It Feels So Bad) Netflix’s adaptation of the Gerard Way comic book rips through the standard origin-story stuff in a stylish, kinetic premiere.
  1. Episode 10 The End of Something
    The Umbrella Academy Season-Finale Recap: Back to the Future It turns out mucking around with the past can have some real consequences after all.
  2. Episode 9 743
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: The Ghost With the Most Just when it seems like this season may turn into a full-on retread of season one, an unlikely hero emerges.
  3. Episode 8 The Seven Stages
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb Five comes up with one last Hail Mary that stretches Umbrella Academy’s conception of time travel straight into Looper territory.
  4. Episode 7 Öga for Öga
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Tick-Tock on the Clock It’s a (somewhat arbitrary) race against time!
  5. Episode 6 A Light Supper
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Be Our Guest The second Hargreeves family reunion in as many episodes proves that no matter how old you get, you’re never free from what your parents did to you.
  6. Episode 5 Valhalla
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: State of the Reunion At long last, the Umbrella Academy is ready to reassemble.
  7. Episode 4 The Majestic 12
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: I Was Made for Lovin’ You Maybe this do-over will be what Vanya needed all along.
  8. Episode 3 The Swedish Job
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: The Good Fight It’s starting to feel like it’s going to take a very, very long time to get the Hargreeves all back together again.
  9. Episode 2 The Frankel Footage
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Father Knows Best Will all this foreknowledge make the Hargreeves children weaker, or stronger?
  10. Episode 1 Right Back Where We Started
    The Umbrella Academy Season Premiere Recap: Apocalypse Soon With the Hargreeves siblings scattered to the winds, fate (and Five) are already conspiring to bring them all back together again — and soon.
  1. Episode 10 Oblivion
    The Umbrella Academy Season-Finale Recap: If I Could Turn Back Time We’ve been hurtling toward the Hotel Oblivion all season — was it worth it?
  2. Episode 9 Seven Bells
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Daddy Issues What is Reginald up to???
  3. Episode 8 Wedding at the End of the World
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: My Big Fat Apocalypse Wedding If you had just one day left to live, how would you spend it?
  4. Episode 7 Auf Weidersehen
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Broken Home The Umbrellas and Sparrows ping-pong off each other in the best episode of the season.
  5. Episode 6 Marigold
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Who Are You? Allison continues down her darkened path.
  6. Episode 5 Kindest Cut
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Out of Control Do the Umbrellas’ interpersonal dramas really matter in the face of the apocalypse?
  7. Episode 4 Kugelblitz
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: And Behind Door No. 1 … The dramatic escalation in the Umbrellas-versus-Sparrows skirmish means everyone needs to make some hard choices, fast.
  8. Episode 3 Pocket Full of Lightning
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Rival Schools One of the mysteries lingering in the background of the season finally comes to the forefront.
  9. Episode 2 World’s Biggest Ball of Twine
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Love, Viktor Each of the Umbrellas is decompressing after Dallas by taking a little time to figure out who they really are.
  10. Episode 1 Meet the Family
    The Umbrella Academy Season-Premiere Recap: Apocalypse Soon The Umbrella Academy returns to an alternate future where Hargreeves adopted a different gaggle of superpowered kids.
  1. Episode 6 The End of the Beginning
    The Umbrella Academy Series-Finale Recap: Fighting With My Family The series’ ending is satisfying enough, but watching these characters go out like this is a tough pill to swallow.
  2. Episode 5 Six Years, Five Months, and Two Days
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Time Enough at Last The shortened season doesn’t have enough time for all of these subplots.
  3. Episode 4 The Cleanse
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: In Search of Lost Time The Umbrellas have already prevented the end of the world three times throughout the series. What’s one more?
  4. Episode 3 The Squid and the Girl
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Where Is My Mind? It looks like we’ll have to wait a bit longer to find out what the Jennifer Incident is and how Ben died.
  5. Episode 2 Jean and Gene
    The Umbrella Academy Recap: Just a Small-Town Girl The team is back together, and the season kicks into gear just in time for some major revelations.
  6. Episode 1 The Unbearable Tragedy of Getting What You Want
    The Umbrella Academy Season-Premiere Recap: A Whole New World So, we’re just going to forget how last season ended, I guess.

The Latest The Umbrella Academy News

  1. apocalypse again
    Where — and When — Were We on The Umbrella Academy? Get your timelines straight before stepping into the series’ final season.
  2. coming soon
    The Umbrella Academy Is Adding Some New Faces to Its Final Timeline A new teaser gives us a release date: August 8.
  3. reset point
    7 Big Questions About That Umbrella Academy Ending The Hargreeves siblings may be cool with simply accepting this new reality, but the rest of us have some follow-ups.
  4. trans rights
    Elliot Page Calls Out ‘People’s Obsession With the Binary’ The Umbrella Academy actor opened up to Seth Meyers about his transition.
  5. vulture lists
    What to Watch Over the Long Weekend Beat the heat in an air-conditioned theater for Lightyear or skip the crowds and stream Bonnaroo at home.
  6. summer preview
    What Summer TV Experience Are You Looking for? Return to the ’80s, fly alongside a dragon, or travel to the cosmos — your couch plans are set with summer’s new and returning series.
  7. trailer mix
    The Umbrella Academy Season 3 Brings You the Multiverse: Sibling-Rivalry Edition Turns out changing the past has unintended consequences. Who knew?
  8. netflix
    Elliot Page’s Umbrella Academy Character to Come Out As Trans in Season 3 Page shared a photo from the upcoming season of the show.
  9. canadian excellence
    Umbrella Academy Actor Elliot Page Comes Out As Trans “I love that I am trans. And I love that I am queer.”
  10. chat room
    The Umbrella Academy’s Ritu Arya Didn’t Know About That Lila Twist Either The breakout new addition thought she was auditioning for a single-episode role, not one of season two’s biggest cliffhangers.