True Detective — TV Episode Recaps & News

True Detective

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“How humanity pollutes the natural world has been a core True Detective inquiry, and Night Country confronts it by suggesting the land, especially in the corners of the world where humans were never supposed to survive, remembers things we forget. In Night Country, no one really knows why other people make the decisions they do, whether those choices are as mundane as turning down someone’s romantic overtures, as dangerous as demanding equal rights from the upper classes in a place with a colonial past, or as extraordinary as shedding one’s clothes and running out into the frozen tundra.” — Roxana Hadadi, “True Detective Crawls Back From the Void

  1. Episode 8 Form and Void
  2. Episode 7 After You’ve Gone
  3. Episode 6 Haunted Houses
    True Detective Recap: A Segway to Your Skull Some people claim that there’s a woman to blame, but Hart knows it’s his own damn fault.
  4. Episode 5 The Secret Fate of All Life
    True Detective Recap: Another Brick in Dewall Go to bed. This isn’t about you.
  5. Episode 4 Who Goes There
    True Detective Recap: Use Your Wet Noodle Through the halfway point, the show is still building toward something big, but first, a detour to a biker bar.
  6. Episode 3 The Locked Room
    True Detective Recap: Don’t Mind If I Ledoux Um, is that creepy dude carrying a machete?
  7. Episode 2 Seeing Things
    True Detective Recap: Wake and Cake “I’m police. I can do to terrible things to people with impunity.”
  8. Episode 1 The Long, Bright Dark
    True Detective Pilot Episode Recap: Fight for Your Rite HBO’s dark, philosophical murder mystery starts with a bang.
  1. Episode 8 Omega Station
  2. Episode 7 Black Maps and Motel Rooms
    True Detective Recap: Sad and Lonely People Nothing remains but the rot and decay of their poorest choices.
  3. Episode 6 Church in Ruins
  4. Episode 5 Other Lives
    True Detective Recap: By Hooker, by Crook Taking down the one percent.
  5. Episode 4 Down Will Come
  6. Episode 3 Maybe Tomorrow
    True Detective Recap: Caddy Remarks Everyone hates ecigs.
  7. Episode 2 Night Finds You
    True Detective Recap: Death Crow The most scintillating character in “Night Finds You” is SoCal itself.
  8. Episode 1 The Western Book of the Dead
    True Detective Recap: Caspere the Friendly Ghost There’s very little to laugh about 60 minutes into this several-hour journey.
  1. Episode 8 Now Am Found
    True Detective Season Finale Recap: Nobody’s Gonna Hear It But Us The mystery draws to a close, then the episode just keeps going, a fitting end to a season as much about the investigators as their haunting case.
  2. Episode 7 The Final Country
    True Detective Recap: Somebody’s Got to Remember The season rebounds in a big way with an episode that perfectly balances the central mystery with impressive character work.
  3. Episode 6 Hunters in the Dark
    True Detective Recap: Under the Pink The season’s central mystery has finally come a little more into focus, but there’s still a lot that doesn’t add up.
  4. Episode 5 If You Have Ghosts
    True Detective Recap: Hardships and Tribulations Mid-season drag sets in with an episode that repeats much of what we’ve already seen — with one big exception.
  5. Episode 4 The Hour and the Day
    True Detective Recap: Major Cognitive Dissonance Is this season of True Detective’s fractured chronology working for it or against it?
  6. Episode 3 The Big Never
    True Detective Recap: Maps and Legends The central mystery of the Purcell abduction remains captivating, if increasingly bogged down by bits that don’t push the narrative forward.
  7. Episodes 1 - 2 The Great War and Modern Memory / Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
    True Detective Recap: Into the Woods The Purcell case that will anchor this season begins simply enough — though this being True Detective, it doesn’t stay that way for long.
  1. Episode 6 Part 6
    True Detective: Night Country Season-Finale Recap: Ghost Town The sun finally rises for Danvers, Navarro, and the memory of Annie K.
  2. Episode 5 Part 5
    True Detective Recap: Bedtime Stories Pete now has his own tragic cover-up that will haunt him for the rest of his life.
  3. Episode 4 Part 4
    True Detective Recap: Night Country Now It’s getting more difficult to ignore the supernatural in Night Country.
  4. Episode 3 Part 3
    True Detective Recap: We Were Here Before Evangeline is beginning to feel the tension between her culture and her career, between who she is and what she does.
  5. Episode 2 Part 2
    True Detective Recap: The Slow Thaw Liz can no longer deny the connection between whatever happened at Tsalal and Annie’s unsolved murder.
  6. Episode 1 Part 1
    True Detective Season-Premiere Recap: The End of the World Issa López’s reimagined True Detective plunges Jodie Foster into perpetual darkness.

The Latest on True Detective

  1. trailer mix
    Patton Oswalt Hints at the Real Identity of True Detective’s Yellow King“Time. Distance. Depth. Cinnamon smell. Paul Anka.”
  2. deleted scenes
    True Detective Deleted Scene: Rust and Lori Break UpHe doesn’t want to have kids. Big surprise.
  3. Here’s Seth Rogen and Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘True Detective’ Parody) From last night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, here’s Kimmel and Seth Rogen doing the week’s umpteenth True Detective parody, playing the stars of the […]
  4. the recap recap
    The Best of This Week’s True Detective Season 1 Finale RecapsYour recap of the recaps.
  5. ratings
    Ratings: True Detective Soars With FinaleAlso: The goopy spiritualism of Resurrection trounces the hard science of Cosmos.
  6. behind the scenes
    True Detective’s Production Designer on the Finale’s Mazelike Fort” The chase was originally scripted to take place in a cane field leading to an altar.”
  7. post-mortems
    True Detective’s Cary Fukunaga on the Finale“The anticipation-speculation that comes with a weekly schedule is a double-edged sword.”
  8. chat room
    True Detective’s Glenn Fleshler on Playing Errol“I’m just trying to figure out how I can continue to take my toddler to the playground.”
  9. secret geekery
    Was There a Hidden Comic Book Homage in the True Detective Finale?It involves a gigantic space-traveling horse.
  10. tv review
    Seitz: The 7 Things That True Detective Was AboutThe finale of True Detective was silly and awesome, and awesomely silly. The one thing you definitely can’t say about it is that it failed to commit.
  11. frozen moments
    The Creepiest Frames of the True Detective FinaleLook at them with the lights on.
  12. happy endings
    According to Writer, True Detective Ending Was Its Starting PointTime’s a flat circle and the light was always winning.
  13. streaming meemies
    True Detective Finale Viewers Crash HBO GoOur bad.
  14. gifcap
    True Detective Finale GIFs: Middle Finger ForeverMainlining the secret truth of the universe.
  15. stop and chat
    Let’s Talk About the True Detective FinaleThere is a lot to discuss.
  16. encyclopedia vulture
    A Handy Glossary of True Detective Names, Places, and ThingsFrom Alaska to, you guessed it, the Yellow King.
  17. burning questions
    7 Questions About the True Detective FinaleAll hail the Yellow King, who- or whatever it is.
  18. chat room
    Talking To True Detective’s Papania and Gilbough“It wasn’t until the end of the day that he went back to Matthew ‘Just Keep Livin’ McConaughey.”
  19. whodunnit?
    Remaining True Detective SuspectsThe Tall Man. The Spaghetti Monster. And other probably evil characters with actual names.
  20. craft work
    Origin Stories of True Detective’s Set PiecesProduction designer Alex DiGerlando tells the stories behind Big Hug Mug, beer-can men, and devil’s nests.
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