Tuxes & Suits
Alan David Custom
16 E. 40th St., nr. Madison Ave., Ste. 702; 212-227-4040; https://www.alandavid.com/
Beckenstein Bespoke
257 W. 39th St., nr. Eighth Ave. ; 212-475-6666; beckenstein.com
Beyond Bespoke
45 W. 46th St., nr. Fifth Ave., second fl.; 212-918-1966; beyondbespoke.com
Bindle & Keep
917-740-5002; bindleandkeep.com
95 Fifth Ave., at 17th St. (various locations) ; 646-869-4933; bonobos.com
688 Madison Ave., at 62nd St. ; 212-376-5777; brioni.com
Brooklyn Tailors
327 Grand St., nr. Marcy Ave., Williamsburg ; 347-799-1646; brooklyn-tailors.com
Brooks Brothers
346 Madison Ave., at 44th St. (various locations); 212-682-8800; brooksbrothers.com
Charles Tyrwhitt
377 Madison Ave., at 46th St. (various locations) ; 212-286-8988; ctshirts.com
Coleman’s Tuxedos
506 Millburn Ave., Short Hills, N.J. ; 973-258-1948; colemanstuxedos.com
Duncan Quinn
70–80 Kenmare St., nr. Mulberry St.; 212-226-7030; duncanquinn.com
Freemans Sporting Club
8 Rivington St., nr. Chrystie St. ; 212-673-3209; freemanssportingclub.com
Hickey Freeman
225 Liberty St., nr. Hudson River Greenway, second fl. ; 501 Madison Ave., nr. 53rd St. ; 646-918-6951; hickeyfreeman.com
25 Broad Street, nr. Exchange Pl.; 424 Broome St., nr. Crosby St.; 917-261-5295; indochino.com
J. Mueser
19 Christopher St., nr. Waverly Pl. ; 347-982-4382; jmueser.com
Kozinn + Sons Merchant Tailors
22 W. 32nd St., nr. Fifth Ave., fifth fl. ; 212-643-1916; kozinntailors.com
Men's Wearhouse
650 Sixth Ave., nr. 20th St. (various locations); 212-675-2608; menswearhouse.com
Ralph Lauren
867 Madison Ave., at 72nd St. (various locations) ; 212-606-2100; ralphlauren.com
222 Park Ave. S., at 18th St. ; 212-777-7400; rothmansny.com
The Black Tux
The Ludlow Shop at 50 Hudson
50 Hudson St., nr. Thomas St. (various locations) ; 212-587-3139; jcrew.com
Thom Browne
100 Hudson St., nr. Franklin St.; 212-633-1197; thombrowne.com
Tom Ford
672 Madison Ave., at 61st St. ; 212-359-0300; tomford.com
Turnbull & Asser
50 E. 57th St., nr. Park Ave. ; 212-752-5700; turnbullandasser.com