art candy

Hot Air

Martin Creed’s Work No. 628: Half the air in a given space (2007)Photo: © Chris Kendall 2007. Courtesy of the artist and Gavin Brown’s Enterprise, New York.

Never one to disappoint, Martin Creed — the 2001 Turner Prize winner who scored the honor with a Clapperesque installation (i.e. lights turning on and off in a white-walled room) — gets playful with Work No. 628: Half the air in a given space, part of his retrospective at Bard College’s Hessel Museum of Art and Bard’s CCS Galleries in Chelsea, up through September 16. It’s the Discovery Zone gone highbrow, an avant-garde playpen minus the screaming children and, more than likely, a psychedelic lair for campus stoners. —Rachel Wolff