Hey, the opening ceremony has already happened! Though they won’t be broadcast on NBC until tonight, the ceremonies apparently were a smashing success. NBC is pulling down YouTube clips left and right, but we found some on a international video sites. The Zhang Yimou–directed ceremony featured some of the scariest goddamned fireworks we have ever seen (at 3:10, above). And, as anticipated, Liberace-esque Chinese pianist Lang Lang performed, wearing, wire photos suggest, his silliest outfit ever. Our inner 12-year-old boy — and our inner 65-year-old woman — are totally excited to watch this.
Hey, the opening ceremony has already happened! Though they won’t be broadcast on NBC until tonight, the ceremonies apparently were a smashing success. NBC is pulling down YouTube clips left and right, but we found some on a international video sites. The Zhang Yimou–directed ceremony featured some of the scariest goddamned fireworks we have ever seen (at 3:10, above). And, as anticipated, Liberace-esque Chinese pianist Lang Lang performed, wearing, wire photos suggest, his silliest outfit ever. Our inner 12-year-old boy — and our inner 65-year-old woman — are totally excited to watch this.
Lang Lang photos after the jump!
Photos: Getty Images