The Curse of Randy Quaid Threatens Hollywood Community

By now you’ve likely heard the sad and bizarre tale of Randy Quaid’s penchant for skipping out on hotel bills, which landed him and his wife in the pokey late last week. However, over at the Daily Beast, Diane Dimond relays the even crazier news that Randy and his wife believe that someone or something has been knocking off a number of Quaid’s former co-stars in some sort of grand conspiracy. After allegedly snorting Demerol, Quaid’s wife told a private investigator that she “believed [Michael] Jackson was murdered, along with Heath Ledger, Chris Penn, David Carradine, Natasha Richardson, and other stars who (had been) in movies with Randy.” We’re not sure how accurate this story is, but just to be safe, both Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo should consider taking extended vacations until the Scooby gang gets to the bottom of this mystery. [Daily Beast]

The Curse of Randy Quaid Threatens Hollywood Community