“I’ve become a little action whore. I’ve always gravitated toward the Sigourney Weavers, the fucking Linda Hamiltons, the Angelina Jolies. I just love strong women that are in tune with their bodies — that don’t just use their bodies as sex tools. I’m very dominant — feisty. I’m not a man-hater, just a very proud woman.” —Zoe Saldana, the woman in Avatar [Details]
“Our biggest challenge right now is letting females, in either younger or older quadrants, understand that this is a movie for them as well. It’s not like Titanic, where it’s obvious — you know, you’ve got Kate and Leo staring into each other’s eyes on posters. Avatar sort of plays in the ad materials as a boy’s movie, which I don’t think it is, but what do I know about it.” —James Cameron on not knowing how to appeal to women [VF]
“We’ve aspired to compare ourselves to Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn.” —Joseph Gordon-Levitt on he and Zooey Deschanel [VF]
“Sometimes he would come in and tell me my hair looked like a Vegas show act and that we had to fix it, that he would not allow me to look that ridiculous on-camera. And oftentimes he would congratulate both of us on finally being able to deliver some sort of performance approaching heterosexual.” —Robert Downey Jr. on working with director Guy Ritchie while shooting Sherlock Holmes [BBC]
“I had very little [time] with Miley, but I was astounded by her height. Did you know that she’s tall? She’s like a Viking. I had no idea.” —Sarah Jessica Parker on Miley Cyrus [MTV]
“I am aware that I’ve been lucky. There are a lot of actors who work just as hard as I do and they just don’t have the same luck. I’m lucky in that I’m part of a relatively small group of people that are at this time sometimes given the privilege of playing a lead role in a good story. There’s not that many people that the people that make movies, that finance them would say, ‘Oh yeah, that’s bankable,’ or ‘That’s an okay investment,’ or ‘We can count on him.’ It’s like saying, I’ll recommend this plumber to you because he does a great job and he’s very efficient, he doesn’t make a mess and you wont have to call him to come back and fix it. At least they know that even if I’m terrified and not sure I can do it, they think I can because they’ve seen me do it before. So it’s nice to feel like people trust you with their stories.” —Viggo Mortensen [Suicide Girls]