
Watchmen Sequels, Prequels to Possibly Exist

Striking fear into the hearts of nerds today is speculation on Bleeding Cool that DC Comics could be planning a prequel or sequel series to, and spinoffs of, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’s classic Watchmen comic. According to the site, with DC president Paul Levitz — who’s always, out of respect for the cranky Moore, torpedoed any attempt at a sequel — stepping down, DC senior vice president Dan DiDio thinks he can desecrate the comic without objection from superiors. DiDio’s allegedly already approaching writers who might be willing to extend the Watchmen universe, hoping that if enough agree, none would specifically bear the flak from shit-fit-throwing fanboys. Or perhaps DiDio will just ask Alan Moore nicely to write some more Watchmen stuff himself, he’ll say yes, and any potential mess will be avoided.

Get Ready For Watchmen 2 [Bleeding Cool]

Watchmen Sequels, Prequels to Possibly Exist