How many young comedians does it take to replace a Will Forte? Three, apparently. The Post reports today that a trio of relative unknowns is joining Saturday Night Live for the show’s upcoming 36th season: Scrubs’s Taran Killam (babydaddy to How I Met Your Mother’s Cobie Smulder), and Paul Brittain and Vanessa Bayer, both improv comedians from Chicago. Let’s meet them!
Here’s Killam as murderer Scott Peterson in a kinda not-funny Knocked Up parody:
Here’s Killam again in a Scrubs webisode, as Jimmy, a molest-y orderly:
Vanessa Bayer seems to have removed all traces of her stand-up act from YouTube, but here she is playing a body-less head in an insurance commercial:
And Paul Brittain, who’s performed at Second City and other places, has practically no Internet presence at all, unless he’s also this commodity trader from Las Vegas (in which case we are very impressed).
The Post notes that SNL’s three new hires could mean more cast members than just Forte are departing — and Seth Meyers, Andy Samberg, Jason Sudeikis, and Kenan Thompson are all keeping quiet about whether they’ll return. Killam, Brittain, and Bayer all seem nice, but there’s definitely not a Sudeikis, Samberg, or Thompson among them, so let’s hope for the best.