Last night on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, Matt Stone and Trey Parker — the South Park co-creators now dutifully plugging their Broadway debut The Book of Mormon — showed up and did that talk show thing where you bring up something embarrassing about yourself. Specifically uncovered: Trey Parker’s high-school R&B duo, which put out a cassette titled Immature and marketed it as “a collection of love ballads for the 80’s man.” It’s nice because Parker, it seems, is actually not embarrassed at all, nor should he be: As you can tell by the titles alone — including such hits as “Dead Ballerina,” “Au Jus,” “You’re Not Worth The Dirt On The Lint Between My Toes,” and “I Spit On Your Love” — Trey was a budding master satirist even back in the teen years. Then Fallon actually plays “I Spit On Your Love,” and the Roots pick up the tune, and it is next level. Sing along now: “I spit on your love / I spit on your love / and I spit on youuuu.”