Aubrey Plaza Shares Sharon Stone’s Excellent Movie Star Advice on Conan

Last night Aubrey Plaza’s Conan interview offered a teeny little sneak peek into the mind of Sharon Stone, which, as you might have guessed, seems like a psychic tornado of flashbulbs, couture and tooth bleach. “She kind of called me out on my own shit, a little bit,” Plaza says of walking the red carpet with Stone, before channeling the Oscar-nominee as some sort of wire-hanger-wielding succubus. “She kept kind of whispering in my ear, ‘If you want to be a movie star, you better smile and be fucking sunny. Give them what they want!’” Says the Parks and Rec actress, “She told me not to chew on my hair because people will think I’m a lesbian,” which just shows that A-list actresses get the list of new stereotypes months before the rest of us.

Aubrey Plaza Shares Sharon Stone’s Excellent Movie […]