When Vulture caught up with Anthony Mackie at last night’s Cinema Society & Gilt Man screening of Man on a Ledge, he was gracious enough to summarize the movie in terms we could understand: “The movie’s called Man on a Ledge. So there’s a man, and he’s on a ledge. Everybody else is trying to help him get off the ledge, be it by jumping or with evidence to proclaim his innocence. Hmmm, how about that?” Got it! But while we had Mackie’s ear, Vulture had to ask about his once and future co-star Ryan Gosling (they’ll appear together in the upcoming Gangster Squad, and worked together already on Half Nelson), whom Mackie once described as a “hot fudge sundae.” “He is the most delicious little thing,” Mackie offered almost immediately. “He is the most delicious little petit four I could ever experience in my life.” Any more dessert comparisons to throw in? “I love him, little vanilla mocha fudge blossom he is.” Despite those passionate avowals, Mackie denies that he’s caught up in a bromance: “No, no, no — we’re grown-men status. He’s just so cute I want to hug him all the time.”
Conversation turned to Mackie’s Man on a Ledge star, Sam Worthington, who was nearby on the carpet. “I figured he’s an Australian, we’re hanging out making a movie, we’re going to drink a lot of beer and get in a lot of fights,” Mackie told us. “We never went out once. So I’m like, I need to do a movie with Russell Crowe. He’s a real Australian, you know? He gets in fights.” The obvious follow-up: Did Mackie go out and drink beers with Ryan Gosling? “No. No, no, no. He wears a Snuggie and watches Extra,” he laughed.