The single-camera comedy, based on an idea by Riggle, is being written by Adam McKay and Chris Henchy. Set in the world of bond traders in 1980s Wall Street, it revolves around a successful, hard-living boss (Riggle) who lives a dark, self-centered, unhealthy life.
HBO has been on a hot streak lately, with both of their new spring comedy series, Girls and Veep, getting renewed for second seasons and enjoying pretty great reviews all around. And from the sounds of it they’re looking to extend that streak: they’re in talks to produce a new series from Rob Riggle, Adam McKay and Chris Henchy that sounds downright delightful.Riggle is pretty much amazing in everything he does, from late night shows like SNL and The Daily Show to movies like The Hangover and The Other Guys (the latter of which was written by McKay and Henchy, who’d write this new series). Giving him a starring role in a dark comedy on a premium cable network that’ll allow them to go as far as they want, well, that sounds pretty perfect to me. It’s still early in the process, of course, so this could never see the light of day, but generally a network like HBO brings to air far more of the shows it develops than networks, which love tossing 75% of their pilots out unseen.