Since Mick Jagger’s last turn hosting Saturday Night Live (in 1978, when the Rolling Stones hosted and musical-guested in their first appearance), the show has turned into a venerated cultural institution, and Jagger has turned into a 68-year-old man. So maybe this is the perfect time for these aging icons to cross paths again? Let’s wildly speculate one last time about what the episode might contain before SNL takes the summer off.
11:29 p.m. Cold Open: On a visit to The View, President Obama (Fred Armisen) manages to keep his cool amid increasingly inappropriate questions from the panel.
1:37 p.m. Monologue: Host Mick Jagger defends his status as an aging rock star by bringing out his older but still relevant peers, including Paul McCartney (Taran Killam), Prince (Armisen), and Michael McDonald (Bill Hader).
11:41 p.m. Commercial Parody: Kim Kardashian (Nasim Pedrad) addresses the recent settlement of a lawsuit regarding the Skechers sneakers she endorsed for their alleged butt-toning powers.
11:45 p.m. Fifties game show Secret Word features celebrity guest Alistair Millington (Jagger), whose extensive Shakespearean training has not prepared him to follow the rules of the game.
11:54 p.m. On Best of Both Worlds, hosted by Hugh Jackman (Andy Samberg), Jackman’s Les Misérables co-stars Russell Crowe (Killam) and Anne Hathaway (Pedrad) talk about the ease with which they jump from musicals to action films.
12:01 p.m. Digital Short: Russell Brand (Dave Grohl) gets advice from his future self (Jagger).
12:07 a.m. Mick Jagger performs with Foo Fighters.
12:14 a.m. Weekend Update: David Caruso (Jason Sudeikis) talks about the cancellation of C.S.I.: Miami; Mark Zuckerberg (Samberg) discusses the Facebook IPO; Stefon (Hader) suggests places that might be of interest to families visiting New York City this summer.
12:27 a.m. Two A-Holes (Sudeikis and Kristen Wiig) go backstage at a Rolling Stones concert.
12:36 a.m. Grady Wilson (Kenan Thompson) and his associate, Clive Banley (Jagger), offer geriatric sex tips.
12:46 a.m. Jagger performs with the Arcade Fire.
12:52 a.m. British Prime Minister David Cameron (Killam) visits Queen Elizabeth (Armisen) and Prince Philip (Hader), only to discover that, behind closed doors, the two of them — along with their longtime butler (Jagger) — are violent and profane.
1:01 Aa.m. Good night!