Michael Schur Says Goodbye to Kevin Youklis’s Play-Doh Face

“Kevin Youkilis is one of the most oddly shaped human beings in professional athletics. His torso is giant and cylindrical — he looks like a cartoon poor person wearing a barrel. He is completely bald - like, aggressively bald, like he hates hair — except for a fiery red goatee bush that tumbles out of his face like Play-Doh from a fun factory. When he hits, he stands with his feet so close together the ump could tip him over with one quick index-finger jab to the sternum — an action that must have been tempting for many umps over the years…”

- Parks & Rec showrunner Michael Schur hilariously says goodbye to the Red Sox’s premiere dick and getter of walks, Kevin Youklis.  

Michael Schur Says Goodbye to Kevin Youklis’s Play-Doh […]