“There is a misperception, if you will, in critical response or even in Hollywood, that I can only do exaggerated characters,” Nicolas Cage explained to the Guardian, going so far as to outline the three other misconceptions that people often make about him: that he does movies “for pay cheques,” that he’s obsessed with comics… and there’s also that whole buying and losing three European castles thing: “For a while there, it was the three Cs; castles, comic books and cars. I just can’t get that stuff off of me.” (Is that what the three Cs stand for?) Cage goes on to say, “The internet has developed this thing about me — and I’m not even a computer guy, you know? I don’t know why it is happening. I’m trying not to … lemme say this: I’m now of the mindset that, when in Rome, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” You hear that? Your Nic Cage memes were just validated.