Marvel seems driven to take over all entertainment platforms, not unlike one of their super villains (albeit an unambitious one). Today, Disney and Netflix announced a plan to air four Marvel series on Netflix, starting in 2015. They’ll start with Daredevil, with Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage coming afterwards. Netflix has committed to a minimum of four thirteen episodes series that all come together for an event miniseries centered on The Defenders, a Marvel super-team like the Avengers that is known for its loosely organized members who don’t particularly enjoy working together.
We all know Daredevil from Ben Affleck’s stirring portrayal of the blind hero, but the other three are noteworthy in their own rights. Jones is a superheroine with super strength, injury resistance, and the ability to fly super fast, who for a time quit heroing to be a private detective and then superhero journalist. After thrusting his fists into the heart of a dragon, Iron Fist took on its power, which allows him to focus his chi to a point that gives him superhuman strength, speed, durability, and other such things that make him incredible at martial arts. Luke Cage was the subject of experiments in jail that left him with super strength and skin so hard that it makes him resistant to injury. He becomes a hero for hire after leaving prison (and eventually marries Jones — cute). Also, all three are pretty super at addressing Marvel’s screen diversity issue.