The good thing about Hollywood is it makes terrorists so good-looking that it’s easy to have complicated feelings toward them. A Most Wanted Man comes through on that front, when Russian actor Grigoriy Dobrygin shaves off his beard in this international trailer. An adaptation of a John Le Carré novel directed by Anton Corbijn (the Joy Division movie Control, the George Clooney movie The American), it tells the story of a once-tortured half-Russian, half-Chechen immigrant to Hamburg who raises the suspicions of both German and U.S. intelligence, played by an impressive cast, including Philip Seymour Hoffman, Robin Wright, Willem Dafoe, Rachel McAdams, and Daniel Bruhl. The film is set to debut at Sundance, with a U.S. release date coming sometime after. Go for the potential terrorist’s cheekbones; stay for how PSH says “barracuda” in a German accent.