Boo. Ser Pounce, the beloved pet cat of Tommen, the heir presumptive to the Iron Throne, was just introduced in Sunday’s episode, but Vulture has learned that he won’t be seen on Game of Thrones again this season. An HBO rep tells us that his royal meowness, whom the late Joffrey once threatened to skin alive and feed to his brother, doesn’t turn up in any of the six episodes remaining in season four, and that there’s “no word” yet on whether the blink-and-you’ll-miss-him feline will be back to guest-star on the show in future years. We’d wager that Ser Pounce will return on the TV adaptation at some point, as he appears in the fourth and fifth books in George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series and remains one of the few fan-favorite characters that the author hasn’t yet murdered. Until we meet him again, let’s just assume the dude is chilling out on a round-ish bed somewhere in Maegor’s Holdfast.