
The Many Sex Faces of Outlander’s Jamie

[This post contains spoilers for Outlander, though not major ones — if you’ve seen a poster for Outlander, you can probably guess what happened on this week’s episode.]

On Saturday’s episode of Outlander, Jamie and Claire finally, finally boned. We knew they would, and they did, and it was wonderful. Well … eventually. Jamie’s first time was maybe a little bit underwhelming. But he got a few more chances, and all was right in the world, including all of his amazing sex faces, plus a few excellent pre- and postcoital gazes. These are just a few of the emotions Jamie conveyed.


Delighted confusion.


Is “don’t stop” an emotion? Close enough.


Oh, please, you know what that emotion is.

Sweet dreams, Jamie.

Bonus Harlequin pose.

The Many Sex Faces of Outlander’s Jamie