Broken Lizard, the cult comedy troupe responsible for Club Dread and Beerfest, will be making a sequel to their beloved Super Troopers. Variety reports that Broken Lizard’s Indiegogo campaign not only surpassed its $2 million goal, but it earned a whopping $4.4 million, usurping Zach Braff’s Wish I Was Here as the second-most-successful crowd-sourced film campaign ever, behind Veronica Mars, which made $5.7 million.
Desperation may be a stinky cologne, but crowd-sourcing is totally legit. As an incentive for donations, the troupe released its first film, Tin Foil Monkey Agenda, exclusively to contributors.
The original Super Troopers, made for a miniscule $1.2 million in 2001, earned $23 million at the box office. It depicts the misadventures of a handful of inept (but utterly lovable) Vermont state troopers, who spend their time filling lockers with shaving cream and eating maple syrup. The original five dopey Vermont state troopers — Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan, Steve Lemme, Paul Soter, and Erik Stolhanske — will all be returning for the sequel.
Preproduction will begin in May, with principal shooting taking place this summer. Super Troopers 2 will be distributed by Fox Searchlight, who agreed to release the film if it met its $2 million goal. It met that goal in less than 26 meow-ers.