While his original plan was to bring it to television at HBO, Netflix, or the BBC, Ricky Gervais has now found a home for his in-the-works mockumentary starring his Office character David Brent: the big screen. According to The Wrap, Open Road Films has acquired the US rights to the mockumentary titled Life on the Road, which centers on Brent, “now working as a traveling salesman, pursuing his dream of rock stardom by self-financing a U.K. tour with his band, Foregone Conclusion.” Gervais also wrote and directed the film, which he described last year before it had a venue:
“It’s just an idea,” he said. “I want to do a tour, a little tour — and people think they’re seeing a tour. I film it, but actually it’s Brent who thinks he’s making a Scorsese-type thing of On the Road. Of course, behind the scenes, it is so much sadder and more poignant. It’s Spinal Tap meets sad Scorsese meets Anvil. It’s more of the breakdown of this man who thought he was going to be something else.”
Life on the Road will debut in the UK on August 19th, 2016 and in the US shortly after.