In today’s sexist garbage: Apple Music executive and longtime music-industry bigshot Jimmy Iovine thinks women are too stupid to find music. He tells CBS News, “I always knew that women find it very difficult at times – some women – to find music. And this helps makes it easier with playlists, curated by real people.” Well, Jimmy to the rescue! He explains that his (and hopefully only his) reason behind producing Ava DuVernay’s brilliant Apple Music commercial, with Taraji P. Henson, Kerry Washington, and Mary J. Blige, was to dumb the process down for women. “I just thought of a problem: Girls are sitting around talking about boys. Or complaining about boys, when they have their heart broken or whatever,” he actually says. “And they need music for that, right? It’s hard to find the right music. Not everybody knows a DJ.” Even worse, Iovine spews this nonsense with a straight face while sitting directly next to Blige, who somehow finds enough poise and self-control not to tape his mouth shut. For that, Mary deserves all the awards. And Jimmy deserves an overdue lesson on misogyny in the music industry.
Ladies, if you’re feeling at all insulted by Iovine’s words, rid yourself of his small-mindedness and watch the Holy Trinity salsa their problems away in their second new Apple Music ad. Watch your back, Jimmy: Mary has a knife!
Update: Jimmy Iovine has issued an apology: “We created Apple Music to make finding the right music easier for everyone — men and women, young and old. Our new ad focuses on women, which is why I answered the way I did, but of course the same applies equally for men. I could have chosen my words better, and I apologize.”