
Reliving Breaking Bad Through Leslie Jones’s Hilarious, Thorough Live-Tweeting

Late Night with Seth Meyers - Season 2
Photo: NBC/2015 NBCUniversal Media, LLC

After only two seasons on the show, Leslie Jones has become a standout Saturday Night Live cast member and one of its strongest Weekend Update guests. Plus, she recently nabbed a role in Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters reboot, so you might say things are going pretty well for her right now. Luckily, she still has time to binge TV like the rest of us mortals. Jones started chronicling her Breaking Bad viewings on Twitter earlier this year and let’s just say the results are as epic as the show. Here are a few of the highlights, though, fair warning, this will make you want to fire up the Netflix and call in a sick day tomorrow.

So let’s start at the very beginning, when Jones was a skeptic.

Which, yes, makes sense, because the first season is pretty terrible. But eventually, Jones got through it, and the addiction kicked in:

Jones spent most of Thanksgiving speeding through seasons two and three, which makes sense, because TV binges are pretty much the only way to relieve holiday stress.

Well, until a character dies.

Or Marie does something.

You might recognize that feeling when you finish season two.

Onward to season three, where the moral quandries get a little more complicated.

And we get to know a few new characters.

And then while watching “Fly,†one of TV’s great bottle episodes, Jones went all-in:

The tweets around the end of season three continued apace.

Welcome to season four.

And we hit one of the show’s all-time highs.

We get to that explosive season finale, too, but first:

And then:

Season five begins.

This is the point where Breaking Bad starts to take over the rest of your life.

Meanwhile, back in binge-land.

The end nears.

And, finally, the finale.

Reliving Breaking Bad With Leslie Jones’s Tweets