You’ve heard the story of how Saturday Night Live got Larry David to play Bernie Sanders; now here’s the story of how Larry David and Leslie Jones became a cute old married couple. It all started on a date at Bill’s: Leslie’s just there trying to get David to sell this weekend’s show (which he’s hosting), but Larry isn’t having it. “The show’s been on for 40 years — who cares, really?” he rolls his eyes. Now she’s seething, burning a hole in her menu with her eyes, while Larry attempts to flirt. Keeping it cooler than Jennifer Lawrence would, she rejects his advances with the subtle “I’m just not feeling you,” followed by the killer “You’re too old for me.” Larry then reminds her of all the things he can do in one night, but all she really needed to hear was the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme, just once. Then it was love at third-ish sight.