After putting a possibly reborn Jon Snow on its posters for season six of Game of Thrones, HBO is once again trying to pretend that Jon is dead and gone for good: In a new interview with Time Out London, an impeccably media-trained Kit Harington swears that the only reason he’s kept his long hair and flown back and forth to Belfast a bunch of times and talked about how he’s still a part of the show is because he’s playing a dead body. “I filmed some scenes of me being dead,” Harington said, joking that it was “some of [his] best work.” Because of this, the actor maintains that he doesn’t “have a clue” about anything that will happen in the upcoming season, except for one thing: “I know how long I’m a corpse for, but I can’t tell you that!” And of course, he can’t tell us how long he’s a corpse because that would give away exactly when he won’t be a corpse anymore, but you didn’t need us to tell you that.