Ryan Murphy’s Scream Queens is built as the horror-comedy network analogue to his anthology series American Horror Story, with new installments that are loosely related to the original season. Its first season took place at a college, while Fox recently announced that the second would take place in a hospital, full of people with “complex, bizarre cases.†While the rest of the cast isn’t confirmed — and many actors could return in old or new roles — Murphy seems to have found the glue that holds the Scream Queens universe together: Niecy Nash’s private security guard Denise Hemphill, as Nash revealed on Twitter today. Last we saw her, Denise Hemphill had gone off to Quantico after a call from the FBI. So will she return with Priyanka Chopra in tow? Will she reignite her romance with Chad Radwell? Will she work for some place with an even crazier name than Secure Enforcement Solutions? Yes, please, to all those things.