Avatar 2 may never see the light of day, following delay after delay, but sure as the Titanic couldn’t possibly sink, now three more sequels are allegedly on the way. James Cameron announced in a surprise appearance at CinemaCon on Thursday that he plans to make four, count ‘em, FOUR Avatar sequels if it’s the last thing he does. “The next time I see you will be on Pandora,” he reportedly told the audience. The sequel to 2009’s record-obliterating Avatar was originally supposed to arrive forever ago, but was delayed indefinitely earlier this year. Cameron now promises it will arrive Christmas 2018, so you should probably clear your schedule, but only if you trust the man. And that’s not all: He plans to film all four sequels concurrently (they’re apparently all standalone films that fit into a “complete saga”), and drop the other three nearly every Christmas until 2023. Here’s the schedule as it now stands:
- Avatar 2: Christmas 2018
- Avatar 3: Christmas 2020
- Avatar 4: Christmas 2022
- Avatar 5: Christmas 2023
Cameron has said in the past that he’d written four Avatar sequels, which then shrunk to three, and is now back at four. Surely this will be the last change we hear about the Avatar franchise from now until 2023. Have faith and start buying your blue body paint in bulk.