Is “P.I.M.P.” putting a curse on 50 Cent? Someone give him a blinged-out amulet as soon as possible: A week after a producer sued Dr. Dre and 50 Cent over intentionally using the beat of his song “BAMBA” for the Get Rich Or Die Trying smash hit, the rapper was arrested following a concert on the Caribbean island of St. Kitts for repeatedly saying the word “motherfucking” while performing “P.I.M.P.” Local police arrested and escorted him to the police station promptly at the concert’s end, and he will be required to pay a fine and appear in court on Monday. (Profanity is reportedly classified as a misdemeanor in St. Kitts.) Back in 2003, DMX was also arrested in St. Kitts for a profanity-laden concert. Maybe hit up St. Johns next time, 50.