Blink those eyes on open, because today’s the start of a new day — a day of Donald Glover’s Atlanta finally being a vital force in our lives. The two trailers for Glover’s FX dramedy series — which he created and executive-produced — about the titular city’s hip-hop scene have now debuted. In the original teaser, below, Glover wakes up. Then, once he awakens, he wakes up again … and again … and again. But in the first full trailer, above, we get a bit more narrative context: Glover’s failed-artist character, Earnest “Earn” Marks, discovers that his cousin, Paperboy, is an on-the-rise and popular Atlanta rapper. Earn successfully convinces Paperboy to serve as his manager, and the beginning of a beautiful(ly) crazy partnership ensues. After three years in development hibernation, Atlanta premieres September 6. Remember: It’ll be like Twin Peaks … but with rappers!