Today in Unlikely Comedy Duos, we present you with the tag team of Elizabeth Olsen and Aubrey Plaza, who have been cast in Ingrid Goes West. But before you start getting visions of Lethal Weapon–style laughs dancing through your heads, know that Ingrid is a dark comedy about an unstable woman (Plaza as the titular character) who develops an obsession with glossy social-media celebrity Taylor Sloane (Olsen). Ingrid, like so many of us, decides she would be great friends with her favorite life-logging star, so she — unlike so many of us — decides to move her whole life to make that happen. To the surprise of no one, Ingrid’s behavior turns “unsettling and increasingly dangerous†the closer she gets to her obsession, at which point, this starts to sound a lot more like a project that Elizabeth Olsen would attach herself to. Matt Spicer co-wrote the script and is onboard to direct the movie, and if you’ve heard his name recently, it’s because he will also be writing Disney’s remake of The Rocketeer, which will be nothing at all like Ingrid Goes West.