The queen of the Stranger Things brood is none other than Millie Bobby Brown, the 12-year-old actor who turned in a powerhouse performance as Eleven, the telekinetically superpowered child who can crush Coca-Cola cans and skulls. Brown herself is effusive, easily frightened by things that jump at her, and a very good singer! Her transformation into Eleven required some physical changes: Brown had to buzz off all of her hair. Of course, the buzzcut was filmed and the video was set to the tune of Beyoncé’s “Pretty Hurts†for your enjoyment. Yes, there are some tears, but compared to many seasons of America’s Next Top Model, Brown acquits herself of her new look admirably. At the end you can see she’s immediately channeling the laconic, PTSD-suffering Eleven that we have come to know and love and are a little frightened of.