Dang, those blue babies are gonna be so cute. James Cameron has finally revealed some plot info about the Avatar sequels that are set to happen at some point in the eventual horizon of linear time, and the name of the game is family. Cameron told Variety: “The storyline in the sequels really follows Jake and Neytiri and their children. It’s more of a family saga about the struggle with the humans.” This is surprising news, insofar as one might expect some fertility issues from an avatar who became a proper Na’vi through the interference of a magical tree, but the idea of a “family saga” does fit with Cameron’s ambitious four-sequel plan. As of now, Avatar 2 is slated for release on Christmas 2018, with Avatar 3 following on Christmas 2020, Avatar 4 on Christmas 2022, and Avatar 5 on Christmas 2023. Cameron, however, is about as attached to that release schedule as he has been to its many, many incarnations of the past. “We haven’t moved that target yet, but we will if we need to. The important thing for me is not when the first one comes out but the cadence of the release pattern,” he said, explaining, “If it’s an annual appointment to show up at Christmas, I want to make sure that we’re able to fulfill on that promise.” Because if this saga about the Avatar saga has taught us anything, it’s that James Cameron is a man of his word.