The alt-right, a loosely affiliated tangle of fascists, white supremacists, misogynists, and other assorted varieties of troll, has infiltrated the Republican Party, the White House, and now, your standard Showtime spy drama. According to Entertainment Weekly, Homeland has cast Medium’s Jake Weber to play combative and charismatic “alt-right media personality” Brett O’Keefe in the series’ sixth season. That season, set to premiere this January, will take place in the run-up to the inauguration of the show’s female president (Elizabeth Marvel), who has been described as a mix of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. EW notes that, unlike Breitbart’s Steve Bannon, O’Keefe won’t be getting a job in the White House on Homeland, so at least there’s that sliver of hope. Additionally, there’s no word on whether the character will be big on racist memes.