Director Damien Chazelle and his La La Land star Ryan Gosling have already locked up their next project together. It’s an adaptation of the book First Man: A Life of Neil Armstrong by James Hansen, and according to The Hollywood Reporter the movie will focus on the years between 1961 and 1969 when NASA was working to put the first man on the moon. “The goal,” as THR says, “is to explore the sacrifices and the cost — on Armstrong and on the nation — of one of the most dangerous missions in history.” Right now the plan is for First Man to start shooting next year and, in addition to Chazelle at the helm, it will have a script from Josh Singer, who won an Oscar for co-writing last year’s Spotlight. Chazelle probably won’t make this one a musical too, but the thought of Ryan Gosling tap dancing in space would really send us over the moon.