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Grab Your Walking Stick: A Real-Life ‘HRC in the Wild’ Movie Is in the Works

Addison Timlin. Photo: Timothy Hiatt/Getty Images

SXSW is always a good place to learn about the cool, new indie-movie projects we’ll all be gushing over in the years ahead, and this year’s fest is no exception. Buzzfeed took a moment on the SXSW junket to speak with actor Addison Timlin, who is starring this year in the film Like Me, but never mind that: She’s also currently in production on When I’m a Moth, the plot of which concerns the outdoor adventures of a young woman in Alaska in 1969, during her gap year between graduating from college and embarking on a law career. Pretty standard fare, unless you consider that the young woman in question is Hillary Diane Rodham — who will one day become HRC in the Wild. And while a film that’s basically like Wild or Into the Wild, but starring a future candidate for president, seems like an easy sell, Timlin is quick to say this is not a biopic and it does play fast and loose with the facts. (For what it’s worth, Timlin is also fond of the F-word, which naturally leads one to picture a young, foul-mouthed Hillary Rodham). There is no release date as of yet, but we’re pretty effing stoked for the film when it occurs. So, we imagine, is Clinton herself — if you can get her to venture out of the Berkshires long enough to watch it.

Timlin at SXSW (Buzzfeed); young HRC. Photo: Buzzfeed/Getty
A Real-Life ‘HRC in the Wild’ Movie Is in the Works