Pull the emergency break on your outrage trains. Niki Caro, the woman tapped to direct Disney’s live-action remake of Mulan, says the matter of music in her film is far from settled, telling The Los Angeles Times on Tuesday that, “I don’t know where that’s come from,” and, “We’ve never talked about songs, and no decision has been made.” The latest input from Caro stands in contrast to what she said in an interview with Moviefone that was published last Friday. That story quoted the director as saying, “From what I understand, no songs right now,” but in her clarifying remarks to The Times, it sounds like Caro meant to say there aren’t any songs right now because there isn’t much of anything at the moment. Based on her new comments, she hasn’t even started work on the movie. Disney didn’t provide a comment for the Times story, but according to that report, “The vibe at the studio, according to people on the lot, is that they were leaving the possibility open,” based at least in part on the recent gargantuan success of the live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast. Gripe if you want about Emma Watson’s singing in that movie, but her performance may have been good enough to land “I’ll Make A Man Out Of You” back on the big screen. Disney, you are now free to follow Vulture’s suggestion to reinstate dubbing.