It’s so secret that everyone involved in the delightful Princess Diaries film series has been wanting to complete a trilogy for years. Anne Hathaway wants it, Julie Andrews wants it, and even director Garry Marshall wanted it before he passed away. (For context, the trio had Skype sessions to bounce ideas off each other. As Marshall put it: “This is how we work.”) While a Princess Diaries 3 has yet to be confirmed, Meg Cabot, the author of the book series that inspired the films, gave an update to EW that’s very optimistic about the sequel’s future. There’s even a script in place! “[It] could happen, as we say,” Cabot explained, although she couldn’t share details about what the script contains. “I am not allowed to say. I would love to sit and talk about [it], but I can’t. I’m not allowed. But it’s really more following the movie than the books, so if she — the last version I read, she definitely did not find out that she has a biracial younger sister … which I personally would’ve thought was hilarious, but that was not the direction they were going.” Now, we just have to get Chris Pine onboard, and there will be zero complaints.