Hello Upper East Siders: We’re gathered here to solve a mystery. The powers that be have blessed us with another Gossip Girl profile — “Best. Show. Ever.” — one that comes complete with a gossip from an old relationship. If you remember, Blake Lively and actor/pussy-posse founder Leonardo DiCaprio dated in 2011. The couple gallivanted around Europe before they split up and Lively started dating Ryan Reynolds. In their prime, though, Blake and Leo didn’t just exchange phone calls or texts like the rest of us: Lively came up with a particularly quirky way to keep in touch while she was on set, GG executive producer Joshua Safran told Vanity Fair. “When I think about shooting the L.A. episodes, Blake was dating [DiCaprio] at the time, and she had this thing where she had a doll that she took photos of that she sent to Leo. Blake was way ahead of the curve. It was pre-Instagram. She was documenting her life in photographs in a way that people were not yet doing.”
Safran doesn’t say what kind of doll it was, and it doesn’t appear Vanity Fair pressed Lively on disclosing any more doll details. It’s also unclear whether this was a thing where Leo opened his phone, saw another doll pic, and quietly muttered “ugh” to Tobey Maguire, perpetually seated nearby. Was it Cabbage Patch doll? Maybe it was an American Girl Bitty Baby, which would’ve been pretty weird. Was it a paper doll, like Flat Stanley? Or was it some Titanic-era rendering of Leo himself? Did the doll have a name — and can it write its own long-form Gossip Girl tell-all? If only there was a way those lo-res photos could be preserved. XOXO.