easter eggs

75 BoJack Horseman Jokes You Probably Missed in Season 4

Mr. Peanutbutter. Photo: Netflix

Fans of BoJack Horseman know that the Netflix animated series excels at two things: darkly funny, often heartbreaking narratives, and goofy, pun-filled background gags. The juxtaposition makes for an endlessly rewatchable series with tons of hidden details to behold. Plus, puns!

BoJack’s fourth season is no different. Tough topics like dementia, miscarriage, forced adoption, and celebrity politicians are major themes, but while you tear up over the soulful humanity of these animal characters and their struggles, you also laugh because a restaurant in the background is called “I Pita the Ful.” The show is about levity as much as it is darkness. Although it’s nearly impossible to catch every hilarious detail that’s worked into each scene, the rich world of BoJack Horseman is one that can surprise you even after watching (and rewatching) every episode. Here are the 75 best callbacks, sight gags, and background jokes you might have missed from season four.

Episode 1: “See Mr. Peanutbutter Run”

Photo: Netflix

BoJack’s Broken Window
Last season, BoJack drove his Tesla through a floor-to-ceiling window after finding out he didn’t win an Oscar for Secretariat. This season, the window is still broken in the opening credits of episode one — but it’s replaced by the time his mom, Hollyhock, and his mom’s nurse move in.

Photo: Netflix

“Yes We Might!”
Mr. Peanutbutter’s run for California governor cribs from Obama’s 2008 campaign with Shepard Fairey posters, plus this sign.

Photo: Netflix

The Great “Seal” of the State of California
Later, at the ski race, the California state flag is represented by a bear-man wearing blue pants and a red shirt on all fours.

Photo: Netflix

Margo Martindale’s Fate
The last time we saw Character Actress Margo Martindale, she was sinking into the ocean alongside a massive thicket of sticky pasta. (Her last words: “I’ve wasted so much of my life stirring olive oil into pasta!”) The first news-ticker gag of the season tells us that she’s presumed dead. In other news: Monkey Sees, Monkey Does.

Photo: Netflix

New Store Puns
Molt Skinsational Day Spa offers “full-body feather extensions,” plus an “I Pita the Ful” restaurant, Hop to It! flea market, and more.

Photo: Netflix

Mr. Peanutbutter’s License Plate
Who’s that dog?

Photo: Netflix

Ski School Lesson
Ski scholars have studied the pizza–french fries correlation for decades.

Photo: Netflix

Polar Bear Spectator
While everyone else is bundled up and drinking cocoa at the ski race, this guy’s on a tropical vacation.

Photo: Netflix

The “Governor-ish Line”
And thus begins this season’s run of hilariously edited banners.

Photo: Netflix

Ski Race Sponsors
Brought to you by Chicken 4 Days (whose chicken Todd hid from the law in season one), Guten Bourbon (whose commercial featured Todd in season one), and two brands you’ll remember from season three’s silent underwater episode: Seaborn Formula and Freshwater Taffy.

Episode 2: “The Old Sugarman Place”

Photo: Netflix

Humps Cigarettes
Joe Camel would have done great in the BoJack universe.

Photo: Netflix

“Cow Pie”
You have to read these diner menus carefully.

Photo: Netflix

Harper’s Landing
A quick small-town vacation joke, along with some insight into what inspired BoJack’s drug-fueled family fantasy with Charlotte in season one.

Photo: Netflix

1944 Newspaper Headline
To be fair, “Gal Shows Gams, Crowd Goes Wild,” is basically everything on TMZ today.

Photo: Netflix

Hardware Store Signs
Real subtle.

Photo: Netflix

The BoJack Costume
In another TV dramatization of BoJack’s life, Paul Giamatti plays him in The Sarah Lynn Story by wearing a ridiculous horse mask with a hole in the neck for the human face, just like Wallace Shawn did in season one.

Photo: Netflix

Guten Bourbon at the Harper’s Landing barn
It’s everywhere.

Photo: Netflix

“Suck a Dick, Dumbshit!”
RIP Sarah Lynn.

Episode 3: “Hooray! Todd Episode!”

Photo: Netflix

“Pb Bibbin’”
Mr. Peanutbutter and Todd’s PB Livin’ company didn’t just result in a failed Halloween-in-January store. It also made bibs!

Photo: Netflix

Princess Carolyn’s Books
From Jonathan Franzen’s Purrity and Me Meow Pretty One Day to The Color Purrple and meow. I mean more.

Photo: Netflix

Tongue Twisters
A BoJack Horseman tradition, the running tongue twister of the season revolves around actress Courtney Portney, “who portrayed the formerly portly consort in The Seaport Resort,” among other things.

Photo: Netflix

Pharmacy Signs
Well, HAVE you hugged your pharmacist today?

Photo: Netflix

“New Study Shows People Only Read Headlines”
Easy to miss when you’re trying to read all that perky mantra on the Girl Croosh wall.

Photo: Netflix

“65% of Dogs Found to Favor Kibbles Over Bits”
Also, Diane is using Slack.

Photo: Netflix

Sharc by Sharc Jacobs
The real Marc Jacobs lent his voice to this Todd-focused episode, so you know he was cool with it.

Photo: Netflix
Photo: Netflix

Doomsday Sheep
This gag gets double points for the before-and-after attention to detail.

Photo: Netflix

Channing’s Tatum’s Doormat
BRB, looking up where I can get Step Up 2 the Door mats made.

Photo: Netflix

Bellican’s Bar Sign

Episode 4: “Commence Fracking”

Photo: Netflix

1999 Flashback Billboards
This particular flashback didn’t get its own song, but it did have a ton of self-aware visual gags.

Photo: Netflix

“Girl Parts” Poster
Every girl remembers the day she learned about the inimitable side butt.

Photo: Netflix

Girl Croosh Stories
10/10, would click on “These Soups Will Enrage You.”

Photo: Netflix

Girl Croosh Wall Mantra
“Keep calm and carry kombucha” is the icing on this millennial start-up parody cake.

Photo: Netflix

North Hollywoo Apartments
The commitment to this long-running gag keeps getting better and better.

Photo: Netflix

News Ticker Gets Political
MSNBSea in 2017: “Bloated corpse in White House discovered to actually be bloated alive person.”

Photo: Netflix

DiCapricorn Flakes
Once they give you an Oscar, you think you can do anything.

Episode 5: “Thoughts and Prayers”

Photo: Netflix

Lenny Turteltaub’s Violent Movies
Yeah, that’s probably what Bradley Cooper would look like as a dog.

Photo: Netflix

Mrs. Beaver’s Worth
Spotted on BoJack’s breakfast table.

Photo: Netflix

Bike Ram Yoga
Next to the Girl Croosh office, of course.

Photo: Netflix

Diane’s NPR Ringtone
“This is All Rings Considered.”

Photo: Netflix

Snarky Nursing Home Signs
A running gag in episode five. The holiday editions (“Trick or Treatment”) are particularly good.

Photo: Netflix

Portnoy’s Alloy
The Courtney Portnoy tongue twister even extends to the bullet Diane fires at the shooting range.

Photo: Netflix

“P.B. for Governor” Banner
Another banner gone wrong.

Photo: Netflix

Even More Girl Croosh Stories
10/10, would click on “Liam Hemsworth’s Penis Outline.”

Photo: Netflix

News Ticker Gets Even More Political
“President blasts ‘Fake News’ for not reporting all the times I won at Cup & Ball game.”

Photo: Netflix

If C-SPAN really changed its name to this, would anyone notice?

Episode 6: “Stupid Piece of Sh*t”

Photo: Netflix

Blind Man and Seeing-Eye Dog That Drink Together
Just having a beer at the end of a long day.

Photo: Netflix

Hummingbird Wearing “The Todd”
After Todd’s fashion look accidentally goes viral, we start seeing it pop up on background characters.

Episode 7: “Underground”

Photo: Netflix

License Plates at Mr. Peanutbutter’s Fundraiser
You’ve gotta love the juxtaposition between “I GOT $,” “CH-CHING,” and “BRAFF.”

Photo: Netflix

Todd’s Tattoos
Another great callback to season one: Todd’s tattoos from his stint in prison with the Latin Kings and the skinheads have since been edited to say “LA Kings” and “Skinny Jugheads.”

Photo: Netflix

Very L.A. Food Station
The celebrities trapped underground in Mr. Peanutbutter’s house can choose between “gluten,” still or sparkling water, or plant-based food. Basically all of the L.A. food groups.

Photo: Netflix

“Don’t Feel Bad About Feeling Bad”
Not a joke per se, but a sweet callback: BoJack repeats to Diane what Hollyhock told him earlier.

Episode 8: “The Judge”

Photo: Netflix

Even More Store Puns
“Marmoset There’d Be Days Like This” offers bail bonds. “Pony Up” is a hair place. And if you don’t know what an aye-aye is, look it up because they are adorable. (Bonus joke: BoJack’s license plate says GO HORSE.)

Photo: Netflix

Slothebey’s International Realty
Even if it’s backwards, BoJack sneaks in every possible animal pun.

Photo: Netflix

The Stilton Family’s Atlas Statue
A mouse holding a world of cheese on his shoulders. Make of that what you will.

Photo: Netflix

Princess Carolyn’s Rom-Com Posters
Another long-running gag. I would definitely watch When Tabby Met Snappy.

Photo: Netflix

Frogger IRL
In a quick establishing scene, this little guy weaves his way through traffic.

Photo: Netflix

“Get Hands Soon” Balloon
Woodchuck surely appreciated the specificity.

Episode 9: “Ruthie”

Photo: Netflix

The Pig Bang Theory
In Princess Carolyn’s fantasy of the year 2121, some kind of Pig/Sheldon hybrid stars in a Big Bang Theory spinoff that’s entering its 15th season. Bazonka indeed. (Bonus joke: The alien poster about reading.)

Photo: Netflix

Uncle Cuck
Starring Robert De Niro, Channing Tatum, and Laura Linney. Sure, why not?

Photo: Netflix

“Ice Cream & Bail Bonds”
Especially funny because of the inmate waiting in line with the children.

Photo: Netflix
Photo: Netflix

Ralph’s Greeting Card Ideas
Even better than the suggested holidays (“Something with cheese?”) are the corrections: “Halloween in January” was already invented by Todd, and Colobus Day has been retitled “Indigenous Poodle’s Day.”

Episode 10: “lovin that cali lifestyle!!”

Photo: Netflix
Photo: Netflix
Photo: Netflix

Political Campaign Coverage
As the race for California governor between Woodchuck and Jessica Biel heats up, you can read all about it in these pun-filled articles.

Photo: Netflix

Seagulls Gonna Seagull
At the restaurant with Jessica Biel and Diane, two fully dressed seagull patrons flock around a nearby table as soon as a guy gets his food.

Photo: Netflix

Son of Uncle Cuck
Of course it’s a franchise.

Photo: Netflix

“Hooray for Woodchuck!” Banner
They have very literal sign makers in L.A.

Photo: Netflix

Princess Carolyn’s “Catbernet”
BRB, making this my cover photo.

Photo: Netflix

Hospital Pamphlets
If you pause and zoom in, you’ll see such gems as “Trap, Neuter, Release TEENS!” and “Pamphlets and You.”

Photo: Netflix

“Know Your Moles” Sign
In the hospital waiting room, you can learn all about moles.

Episode 11: “Time’s Arrow”

Photo: Netflix

Butterscotch Horseman’s License Plate
Giddyup, indeed.

Photo: Netflix

BoJack’s Y2K Mug
Beatrice Horseman’s flashback signals that we’re getting close to the year when Hollyhock was born. Plus, Y2K joke!

Episode 12: “What Time Is It Right Now”

Photo: Netflix
Photo: Netflix

The Thrifty Lodge’s Honesty
From the winner of the Most Adequate Motel award: “Beautiful sunsets. Stunning ocean views. That’s mostly it!”

Photo: Netflix

Gas Station Signs
Would you like beef jerky or beef friendly? Also, check out the bathroom signs and ask yourself why 6-Hour Energy doesn’t already exist.

Photo: Netflix

Todd’s Better Business Bureau File
“Now it’s a fear-based fitness thing.”

Photo: Netflix

The Rise of “The Todd”
By the end of season four, everyone is sporting Todd’s look. Also, don’t miss the Justin Bieber billboard in the background.

Photo: Netflix

Honeydew Melon Still Sucks
It’s something that BoJack and Hollyhock can agree on, and to quote Princess Carolyn in season one: “Honeydew is garbage fruit.” (Two bonus jokes: The “Dow Down, Pups Up” newspaper headline and the “benign” mole from the Know Your Moles chart.)

75 BoJack Horseman Jokes You Probably Missed in Season 4