The beauty of Netflix’s BoJack Horseman lies in its ability to weave the heartbreaking with the whimsical. The show’s dark, rethink-your-whole-life story lines around its anti-hero unfold with a chaser of silly, animal-pun-filled background jokes and visuals — some so subtle that you have to pause every few minutes just to catch them all. The latest season, which you’ve undoubtedly binge-watched by now, is no different.
Narratively, season five is brilliantly written with innovative episode formats like “Free Churro,” in which Bojack delivers a 20-minute eulogy; the Halloween episode that wove together story lines from multiple eras; or the surrealist retelling of the show through two new characters’ points of view in “INT. SUB.” They tackled evermore dark topics, from opioid addiction to assault, and they even found a way to turn a sex robot into a modern-day Chauncey Gardner. As the show continues to get better, one thing remains the same: It’s impossible not to laugh at a bail-bonds place called “Marmoset There’d Be Days Like This.”
As we did for season four, we’ve collected dozens of the most noteworthy Easter eggs and not-so-obvious jokes embedded in season five to serve as a guide as you watch (and rewatch) the series. Spoiler alert: There are more than a few spoilers below. We also left out some repeated jokes, like Princess Carolyn’s office library (A Tale of Two Kitties, anyone?) and her apartment movie posters (10/10 would see When Harry Met Snappy), but there’s still plenty more where that came from.
Episode 1: “The Light Bulb Scene”
Misprints T-shirt
Spotted on a Philbert crew member.
Quackers Included in Craft Services
Quakers and guten bourbon, anyone?
Hollyhock’s Dorm Room
With appearances by the Cockatoo Twins and Quack DeMarco.
Adept Adoption Agency
Because what you want in a child adoption agency is alliteration and wordplay.
Wolves With Adopted Sheep
It’s a very progressive human-animal world.
New Restaurants: Twigs and Fin & Feather
There has to be an actual restaurant in L.A. called Twigs, right?
New Stores: Pest Elm, Secret Hindquarters, and Gnu Bottle Coffee
Also note the praying mantis in the foreground getting ready to season her date.
Flip McVicker’s Inspirational Quotes
“If you gaze for long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” —Nietzsche.
“If you just look at the abyss real quick while it’s distracted, you can get a peek.” —F. McVicker
Flip’s Philbert Storyboard
What else do you need for a TV show other than sexy, lonely montages and synchronized swimmers, really?
Cleaning Products by Winducks and Flylon
Windex and Krylon have some competition.
Episode 2: “The Dog Days Are Over”
Departing Flight to Reykjavik, Miceland
If you’re trying to go to Turkey, that flight’s already stuffed (also note the disclaimer about charging for oxygen.)
Chicken 4 Dayz in Vietnam
Wonder whatever happened to Becca.
Pig Out to Dinner Witnessing Pig for Dinner
This season’s crawfish eating its own claw.
Mr. Peanut Butter’s Housewarming Banner
“Can you send me a picture of the banner before it goes off to the printer this time?” No.
Episode 3: “Planned Obsolescence”
Todd’s Cordovia Clock
In addition to New York, London, and Tokyo, Todd has to keep tabs on his faraway dynasty. Plus, #1 Biggest #1 Boss Mug!
Warbler Brothers Studios
Also known for Wonder Worm and Crazy Ex-Squirrel Friend, as evidenced by the posters on the right.
‘Now Leaving Los Angeles’ Sign
The difference between Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties is clear.
‘Dare to Fail at Inadequacy’ Sign
As seen in Yolanda’s childhood bedroom. She’s also an Amphibian Valedictorian!
Show Ideas in Flip’s Office
Because what’s a detective drama without a “gritty musical montage with swelling riffs,” “classy violence,” and a “character with a mysterious hat?” Also: Nietzsche.
Episode 4: “BoJack the Feminist”
R.IP. I.T.
Over at Girl Croosh, the I.T. department is being memorialized by a display featuring two bean-bag chairs with broken monitors on them.
Girl Croosh Content
While Diane’s working on “13 Celebs Who Look Like Soup,” her boss is reading the all-too-relevant Hollywoo Reporter headline: “He’s Back (And Now) He’s Tolerant!”
BRB News
For news that can wait.
MSNBSea News Crawl
Seen here: “Buffalo Buffalo sues Buffalo Buffalo for Buffaloing Buffalo Buffalo,” “Jerk Chicken Wins Humanitarian Award,” and the more pointed, “Victims Breathe Sigh Of Relief As Authorities Declare Mass Shooting By White Man ‘Not Terrorism.’”
Animal-Pun Vanity Plates
Spotted in the dive bar where Mr. Peanutbutter tries (and fails) to be tough.
Flip’s Ghost Arc Storyboard
Nothing gets ratings like GHOST SEX.
Episode 5: “The Amelia Earhart Story”
‘Sanctify This Sty’ Sign
Spotted in Princess Carolyn’s childhood home. Also noteworthy: Bat Boy Found!
Possible Wife Names for Philbert
Apparently “Sunflower” was out of the question.
‘A Shawarma Locusts’ Food Truck
10/10 would eat.
Hogstress Wanted
Phuzzy’s is now hiring.
Flea Market Records and Signs
You can buy Dolly Parton’s “Just Because I’m a Sheep,” or albums by Lion Adams, Stinky Friedman and friends. Also notice the kettle corn sign and “Stuff I Stole to Make Money to Buy Heroin” kiosks in the background.
Flea Market T-shirts
One of these feels ODDLY personal.
Vintage Rock Band T-shirt
Insert hipster joke here.
UCLA Brochure
“So you’ve Bruined your life.”
Episode 7: “INT. SUB”
Alternate Flip(per)’s Storyboard
The Dolphin version of Flip only has one thing on his mind: EEEE!
No Shirt, No Shoes, No Cannoli
Any questions?
Princess Carolyn’s Bar Library
How to Kill a Mockingbird, The Old Mynx and the Sea, The Great Catsby, and other titles.
Episode 8: “Mr. Peanutbutter’s Boss”
What Time Is It Right Now? And Chill Costume
Octopus As Octomom
If this didn’t win Best Costume in 2009, I don’t know what could. (Also spotted: Keyboard Cat)
Pinky Penguin’s “Will Publish for Food” Costume
2009 was a hard year for BoJack’s book publisher.
Episode 9: “Ancient History”
Air Bud International Airport
Home of Americrane Airlines and Sow West.
Barrel of Window Washers
Diane’s Le Triste Apartments
Sad! (Also note: the anteater breaking into a car by using his tongue as a slim jim.)
Episode 10: “Head in the Clouds”
Princess Carolyn’s Starbucks Cup
“Pringles Cartilage?”
‘No Snacking’ in Dumpster
We’re looking at you, racoon man.
Mr. Peanutbutter’s New Art
We’re sensing a theme. (Butts. It’s butts).
Episode 11: “The Showstopper”
Philbert Season Two Opening Sequence
The penultimate episode starts with the gritty, Sopranos-esque opening to Philbert season two, which scans across a cork board containing some of the detective’s key evidence: a Russian U.S. dollar and two ridiculous articles worth a read.
“Marmoset There’d Be Days Like This” Bail Bonds
Best store pun of the season? Also seen here: Potteroo Barn, Pony Up, and 24 Hare Fitness.
Flip’s New Show Ideas
The ghost sex notes have made their way onto the whiteboard. Also: BUKOWSKI.
BoJack’s Contacts List
From Nic Cage (DON’T CALL) to Chipotle (DO CALL). In the next frame we see he also spells George Clooney. “Jurj Clooners.”
BoJack’s Conspiracy Map
Even in the midst of drug-induced paranoia, he knows where to get his breakfast tacos.
Episode 12: “The Stopped Show”
Red Arrows Box
Red Arrows are fragile, you know.
Tortoises Celebrating a Win (While a Hare Sulks at the Bar)
So THAT’S what happens after the race.
MSNBSea News Crawl Part 2
Also seen here: “Black Panther Slays at Box Office; Film Also a Success,” “Linkletter, Garfunkel Enthusiasts Open Museum of Fine Arts,” “Owner of Blue Toyota Camry Left Lights On in MSNBSea Parking Lot.”
Elephant Reporter on Fox News
Bonus store in the background: Foie Gras
Diane’s Sad Girl Ikea Furniture
Regreta indeed.
Spy Shit Now Rehab Shit
We all have to grow up sometime.