HGTV’s beloved Fixer Upper is coming to an end. Hosts Joanna and Chip Gaines announced on their blog that the upcoming fifth season will be the couple’s televised swan song, thanking viewers for all the support they’ve received over the years, as well as shutting down any rumors that their marriage is coming apart. “We would be foolish to think we can go and go and fire on all cylinders and never stop to pause. Our family is healthy and our marriage has honestly never been stronger,” the couple said in their post. “This has nothing to do with a fraudulent skincare line or anything else you’ll inevitably read. This is just us recognizing that we need to catch our breath for a moment. Our plan is to take this time to shore up and strengthen the spots that are weak, rest the places that are tired and give lots of love and attention to both our family and our businesses.” The pair is by no means getting out of the remodeling game, so at least devoted fans will still have Instagram to fall back on for the latest in tasteful kitchens, restoration updates, and shiplap application.