How many times can we intercut tense courtroom exchanges with footage of Gawker writers hanging out, talking about “traffic” and “content,” and inciting the wrath of Peter Thiel? The next year should put our tolerance to the test! There are not one, not two, but three dramas chronicling Gawker’s demise currently in development. The latest, to be directed by Francis Lawrence, was announced Monday. Per Variety, Lawrence will produce and direct an adaptation of Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue, Ryan Holiday’s account of Peter Thiel’s “Gawker problem,” and the site’s destruction. Here are details on the three projects currently working their way to a movie theater near you:
The Francis Lawrence Movie
Holiday’s book will be adapted by Charles Randolph, who won an Oscar for The Big Short. David A. Neuman, CEO and partner of Blackrock Productions, says the production will “target an A-list cast to play the story’s principals — Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, and Nick Denton.”
Gawker v. Thiel
Vulture read the script for Gawker v. Thiel, which opens with a chance 1999 encounter in which Gawker CEO Nick Denton was introduced to Peter Thiel. The script was written by John Gary, who interviewed some of Gawker’s staff. Gawker editor A.J. Daulerio is the central player here, but Gary’s script spends time in editorial meetings and introducing the site’s other editors (the script also includes the line “We’re all about those clicks”). Gawker v. Thiel will be directed by Modern Family’s Jason Winer.
Just the Facts
This Gawker story comes from Hawaii Five-0 writer Kenny Kyle. The film opens with Daulerio snapping at a local magazine editor, writing for Deadspin, and realizing that he’d be more satisfied at Gawker. Through flashbacks and voice-over, Daulerio shepherds viewers through Gawker’s ascent and destruction from his point of view, with Denton as an enemy.
Something else to consider: What if John Cena — and his 55 suits — were to play Hulk Hogan in all three movies? Just putting this out there!