During the New York Comic Con 2018 panel celebrating ten years since the release of the first Twilight movie, director Catherine Hardwicke was joined by stars Ed Gathegi, Jackson Rathbone, and Kellan Lutz, with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson making surprise appearances via video and a shakey Skype connection, respectively. When an audience member asked Hardwicke how it felt for a male director to be hired for her movie’s sequel, New Moon, Hardwicke said that she’s feeling the industry slowly starting to change, inspired by the success of Twilight and Wonder Woman. “It would’ve been a little bit more exciting for me if they hired female directors for all the other Twilights, that would’ve been cool. And for The Hunger Games, and for Divergent, and for 50 million other movies. But I think people are opening their eyes. Change happens, as Emma González says, a little bit at a time, so we’re moving forward,” Hardwicke said. “Sometimes we’re moving backwards, like yesterday. Whoops!”
Hardwicke name-checked other big budget directors like Patty Jenkins and Ava DuVernay for helping bring about change. “We’re just building on it. And now people are a little bit embarrassed if they have a female character and don’t at least try to get a female director,” she said. “I think the tide is changing, we’re all hopeful.” Fingers crossed Hardwicke herself will be up for another installment.