Just when you thought there can’t possibly be enough homes in central Texas to award with open-plan kitchens … ha, who are we kidding, there are millions of homes in central Texas that would welcome open-plan kitchens. As revealed on Friday evening’s Tonight Show, Chip and Joanna Gaines are plotting their return to television after a year-long hiatus. The married couple, formerly of HGTV’s massively popular Fixer Upper, ended their relationship with the network at the conclusion of the show’s fifth season, owing to their desire to spend more time as a family unit and less time with roof shingles. They’re now in talks to join Discovery for a new series, in addition to creating their own branded, lifestyle-focused network. “I just wanted to make a quick announcement, we are coming back to television,” Chip explained. “You are going to get to see the kids grow up, you are going to see us, well, maybe a six-month delay like the rest of the world, but we are excited to be back.”
Obviously, whatever ends up debuting on Discovery will be filmed in the Gaines’ Waco stomping grounds, like that was ever in doubt. “With all things being equal, we’re really excited,” Chip concluded. “We’re going to really carve it out in a way that makes sense to us and our family.”