If you need someone to play a no-nonsense top fairy cop, why settle for anything less than a Dame? It’s first-look season at Entertainment Weekly, and today they shared a peak at Judi Dench as Commander Root, the head of the LEPrecon police force in Artemis Fowl. Director Kenneth Branagh told EW that, “When we started to rehearse, she leant forward, and her shoulders stooped and her voice dropped, and then suddenly this gravelly, Churchillian, curmudgeonly figure started to emerge.” Judi Dench as a Churchillian hard-ass police officer! With those ears! The movie follows a tween criminal named Artemis Fowl who manages to start a war with a race of powerful fairies who may have been involved with the disappearance of his dad. Dench is the long arm of the fairy law that he will have to contend with when the movie opens next August.